Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Banned From Adsense!

Many people have started using Google's AdSense program, but there are some who find it a bit too uncertain or simply not suiting their own requirements from an ad program. But thankfully for such people, there are many alternatives to AdSense which attempt to alleviate some of its shortcomings. Here is a list of the most noteworthy ones from the lot with a description concerning each one. AllFeeds ( AllFeeds has a great pool of online advertisers to choose from. It also features many display formats that you can choose from. These include banners, buttons, XML feeds, DHTML pop-ups and so on. It also features real time reporting of your ad status. The site will mail a check every month, provided that you earn more then $25.00, while rolling over earnings for the next month if you don't. Another interesting thing about AllFeeds is that it integrates with Google AdSense, maximizing your earnings with AdSense. MarketBanker ( MarketBanker allows you the unique possiblity to set the pricing for your site. It also allows you to allow or reject any link that appears on your site (although AdSense itself does a very good job of this as well, with URL filters) There's also a statistics section which will allow you to see how well your site is doing. The ads are small just like AdSense's and they're just as easy to set up. Also, registration for MarketBanker is free. BidClix ( BidClix is different because it has advertisers compete for clicks on your site, which in turn is meant to generate the highest possible profits for your page. It also has a very large pool of advertisers which ensure there are plenty of people to choose your site. However, it does require more polish on site contents then AdSense. As most sites, real time statistics are available and its very easy to get started with this service, but it's also very flexible. Chitika ( RealContext uses Artificial intelligence to retrieve the most relevant ads for your page. And there's an extra feature which makes RealContext unique as well. Keywords are selected based upon which previous selections payed off and which didn't. That means there's a constant feedback process that ensures you gain better revenue from your ads. It also supports blocking certain adds and child-safe filtering and many more options. AdHearus ( AdHearus is a very feature-packed contextual ad provider. As with AdSense, advertisements are targeted but it doesn't stop here at all. The ads are very flexible, you can select from text-ads, banners, rectangles, pop-ups, pop-unders or skyscrapers. You can also display your own ads, through rotation, both on your site and on other affiliate sites, which makes AdHearus a hybrid with conventional advertising technologies. There's a very comprehensive on-line real time reporting feature and, as usual with such services, starting out is free and it's a breeze. AffiliateSensor (affiliatesensor) AffiliateSensor has highly customizable ad blocks, which you can make for yourself with an easy to use on-line interface. You also get realtime reporting with clicks-by-domain, page and refferer. There's integration with Google AdSense as well, through the google_alternate_ad_url so AffiliateSensor can be used as a substitute for Google PSA's (Public Service Ads). Kanoodle Bright Ads ( Kanoodle's offering allows publishers to get ads related to topics or segments, and not the traditional keyword oriented ads. The site also groups publisher sites with advertisers by hand to ensure high-revenue generating ads. And speaking of revenue, the amount of money you receive is a clear 50% share of the amount of money Kanoodle recieves for an advertiser. TargetPoint (targetpoint.) TargetPoint is oriented more towards content publishers. It offers full control over the look the ads, statistics over your site's overall performance and better revenue. It's free to register and you earn a guaranteed 60% of the total revenue. You can get payed with Paypal of Bank checks and (most times) wire transfers as well. Clicksor ( Clicksor will earn you as much as 60% from the amount of money your website produces. What you get is about the same as AdSense, there are targeted text ads, you can view the revenues from your website in real time. You can receive money via PayPal or through a check every two weeks, provided that you have earned more then $50. If you haven't made that much, your earning roll over to the next period You need to have optimized niche website templates for best results. You may find the best adsense templates and blog templates at( They are offering 100 fresh new templates every month.

All webmasters and site owners who have been trying to earn from their sites must be aware of a monster called Adsense.

All webmasters and site owners who have been trying to earn from their sites must be aware of a monster called Adsense. Adsense has presented a new and easy opportunity to earn money from your site. Adsense virtually allows any person who has built a content site or a blog to earn money, just by placing some code on their web pages. Adsense has given the ability to the web masters to concentrate on their sites rather than wasting time on trying to figure out what advertisements to put on their sites. There are many web masters who make living on Adsense, but there are also many web masters who spend lot of time on figuring out the magic trick to earn from Adsense. Making a good living from Adsense might seem difficult but it is definitely not impossible. Just placing Adsense code on your site is not enough if you are looking at Adsense as your only source of income. You need to experiment a lot with Adsense formats, placement and choice of keywords. Whatever topic your site deals with, you should take care to build page around a specific topic. This ensures that the Adsense ads placed on the page, are relevant and useful to the visitors wanting to know more on the topic, and these visitors will eventually end up clicking the Adsense ad. You should take care when placing your Adsense ads. If you read through Google help on Adsense, you will find the heat maps suggesting the best locations for your adverts. It is a proven fact that, one place the visitors look first on the site is the top left position. Since this is the place that will have the visitor's attention, it definitely helps to place your Adsense ads there. You should also consider placing the Adsense ads on high traffic pages. You will be able to identify the most visited pages on your site by looking at the logs or even your Google Analytics account, which provides you page by page details of visitors. Though the banner and skyscrapers adverts look pretty good on your site, you should try to avoid using those on your site. Such banners are usually ignored by the visitors. Do you recollect clicking on any banner on a site you visited recently? You should also use the Adsense formats to make sure your Adsense ads blend with your web pages. Google provides you different palettes to try font colors, backgrounds and borders. There is no point in placing an ad on the page which does not blend with your site and will effectively not be clicked by any visitor. Another important factor ignored by most of the webmasters is the Adsense preview tool. Google provides with an excellent tool to help you preview the ads that appear on your page. This tool allows you to see the sample ads and formats, preview colors on your page, check the destination of the ads and geo targeted locations to see what visitors in other countries will see. Besides the above mentioned factors, it is also important to have a definite focus on what you want to achieve. No matter how busy you are, you should always spare some time to experiment with the Adsense ads to improve the CTR. Whatever experts say, just following the basics, is really the magic of making more from Adsense.

Sense and Nonsense About Adsense

Picture someone passing a high tech advertising hoarding and noticing that it shows Palm fringed beaches in a Pacific paradise and then when a second person goes by and the hoarding changes to show a childrens' party and finally a third person walks by and the hoarding shows a picture of President Hilary Clinton going into the Oval Office! What the fictional high tech advertising hoarding above was doing was showing advertisements relevant to what the passing individual was thinking about. And of course all that was science fiction. But advertising relevant to what the shopper is thinking of and searching for is already here. It is called "Contextual Advertising". And it is so remarkable that I indulged in a little "science fiction" above, to bring it to your attention. Google Adsense is the most well known of the many Contextual Advertising Systems. And the one most targeted over the last year by marketers claiming to show us all how to make a fortune just by pasting a little snippet of JavaScript on our website. Thousands of Internet Newbies have bought such nonsense. Just as a surefire way of making money during the Gold Rush was to sell picks and shovels, a surefire way of making money nowadays is to market "Adsense Nonsense". Contextual Advertising works very well for advertisers since it matches the information on the page and may lead to exactly what the shopper or surfer was looking for; it works for publishers and webmasters since it can serve webpages devoted to virtually any subject. And the shopper frequently gets exactly what they were looking for. But the Internet newbie who thought that putting Adsense on their blog or website was going to lead to a high income is usually disappointed as months go by and single figure earnings stubbornly persist. In many cases Adsense may not be the best monetisation option. The only way to know is to try various options and track and record the results. Many webmasters have found affiliate programs that pay them better than adsense. Contextual Advertising is a clever and effective tool. Whether or not it is appropriate on a particular website or blog is a moot point. The only proper advice to a Newbie webmaster or blogger is try different advertising alternatives from Clickbank, Commision Junction or even Amazon and find out for themselves which works best for them on their site for their niche.

4 Types of Site You Can Build For Extreme Adsense and Affiliate Profits

Adsense and affiliate marketing is extremely hot in the marketing world right now, primarily because of the fact that you need not spend hours and hours of tedious writing to create a product that you can sell for $27 or more. This article will outline the four major ways you can build a website to profit immensely from both of these methods. The first type of site you can create is the traditional niche content website. This method involves you building a site from scratch. You need to create a template, add content and implement your adsense and affiliate links. You can download free templates or pay for someone to create you one. You can collect content from free reprint articles from directories or you could use private label articles - you could even use a mixture of all three. The second type of site you could build is a blog. These are great because of the way you can automate some of the tasks and because of the fact they are free to set up and maintain. You can get a free blog at and select one of the free pre made templates. Slightly edit the template to include adsense and affiliate links. Once that's done you simply need to add content and you can do that like you did for the first method. Post to your blog once per day for the first month, 3 times per week for the next month and then once per week for the rest of the time and you will have a blog producing a consistent income stream for months and years into the future. The third type of site you could create is an article directory. I'm sure you've seen them before and I'm sure you've used them before, but have you ever owned one before? You can find free software to power your article directory and once it's set up and you have a regular stream of traffic, you will have tens, then hundreds, then thousands of authors submitting content to your site on a daily basis. That means thousands of new pages with your adsense ads and affiliate links being created every day. There are thousands of article directory sites out there now however and competition is fierce. You should perhaps consider setting up a niche article directory on a particular subject, so that you can dominate that niche market. The final type of site you could create also involves profiting from content your visitors submit. Setting up a forum can be very profitable, especially as you can build a relationship with your website visitors and they are more likely to purchase or click on something you recommend. These four methods of building niche websites can prove to be very profitable in creating regular and explosive streams of adsense and affiliate income and the best part of this system is that you can make money even if you don't work on your sites for weeks or months on many occasions. Don't expect this to be an easy method online money making however. You still need to build your websites, promote them and tweak them for maximum earning potential.

Steps To Monetize Your Blog With Google Adsense

If you want to earn income legitimate income online, it is best to think of blogging and put google adsense or affiliate links to your page. But how can you do it if you don’t know how to start blogging step by step. In my recent post, you can start blogging within 5 to 10 minutes. I recommend for your blogging adsense. Fill up forms and follow step by step instructions to register at when you sign up.

When you had set up your blog and made some posts, you will probably thin of how to install adsense to your blog to monetize it. You need to register first to google adsense for your ID. You can’t get an adsense ads code if you don’t have an ID yet. Type to your internet browser to get you started monetizing your blog.

In the google adsense page:

Register your account. Be sure to input all correct information about you. You will be made to confirm your email address if you successfully filled up the form. Upon confirming your email address, you may login to your adsense account to get your adsense ID and customizing the look of the code. Get the google adsense ID for content, the one with ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxx. Then, you need to configure your adsense code to complement with the look of your website.

For blogger of google's, on your new blog dashboard, click the layout and click the add page element and choose google adsense. Follow instructions to put your adsense code and customize your code inside your new blogger for adsense. Don’t forget to save if you are done customizing your ads. It is that easy.

After you have installed adsense, now is the time to promote your blog.

It is worthwhile to submit to article directories or participate in forums. By submitting articles to directories, your links can be created by creating your signature as author in the author’s resourse box. I find this very effective to create traffic and for google page ranking.

Here are some directories to submit to start your campaign:

Submit articles related to your blog or if you still don’t have one in your mind yet, you can submit articles from your blog. After copying and pasting your article, create your author bio to build your links from your articles pointing to your site. You must submit articles on a regular basis so that readers and potential traffic won’t get away. In forums, register and participate in any topic that interest you but create first your signature on your user control panel so that when you post, your links will show in your signature. Try to create eye catching signature to entice the reader and this may make them click your links going to your blog. This will take some months before you see the good results of your hard work. Don’t give up learn more and persevere because you may not know that the time you give up is the time your hard work is getting money.

How To Make Money Online From Google Adsense

Earning a great deal of money by working online become popular in the last few years. Online webmasters make big money from their own web sites through Google Adsense. If you never know about Adsense, then please take a look at Google AdSense to learn more about it. Earning a great deal of money by working online become popular in the last few years. Online webmasters make big money from their own web sites through Google Adsense. If you never know about Adsense, then please take a look at Google AdSense to learn more about it. Generally speaking, Google AdSense is a program that matches ads to your site’s content and you earn money when someone click on them. Google AdSense crawls the content of your web pages and delivers ads that are relevant to your web site content automatically (text or image ads that you choose). There are 4 types of AdSense ads including Adsense for Content, AdSense for Search, AdSense for Video units, AdSense for Mobile Content.
I have been using Google AdSense for a few months and it is really amazing that I made good online AdSense money in one month from Adsense publisher’s program. I am so happy when I saw this big amount of money on my account this month. I could not believe my eyes that I saw this big number. All of my hard word on my websites is paid off. I am going to share my secret of how I did on my websites and blog. In fact, I think there is no secret of making online money, except time and hard work, especially smart work.
This is what I think and how I make good money from AdSense. Other people may think differently about how they make money, but that’s what I did. If someone charge you a fee to know the secrets of making money online, they will show you what they learn and their own experience. They are the same as us, the only difference from them and us is they spend time and hard work reading blog, forums, and other SEO tips of making money online. So, they know how to get traffic and traffic becomes money.
Therefore, I am going to show you some free money making tips and I hope you can do and make the same or even more than what I am. Google makes many webmasters getting rich by placing Adsense ads on their websites and earn from clicks on these ads. However, the valid clicks are from visitors, not from webmasters. So, you can't click on your own ads. You will be banned from Google if you click on your own ads. Google has a tool to check on the clicks to make sure that they are valid clicks.
Earning online money from Google Adsense is not too hard. Many webmasters think that they cannot do it. The answer is yes, if others can make online money, you can do the same, all people can. You may make a few bucks on the first month but will get huge amount of money later one.
Are you ready to make money online? Do not wait any longer. Take action now. Visit these online money making websites to learn more about how to make money on the Internet.

Starting Online Business

The first step is picking a business area. Contrary to your instincts, do not pick something specific in the business area. For example, let us assume you want to start an online business providing strategies for saving money. Your business area is money. Don’t make the mistake of jumping to a more specific area. Instead, you need to do some research.

The beautiful thing about starting an online business is you can access vast amounts of information on the cheap. In this case, you want to use the following tool:

Try Wordtracker

Wordtracker is a program that tracks the exact phrases used by people on the search engines to find things. You can type in any subject matter and Wordtracker will spit out the top 300 phrases incorporating that subject matter that were used in searches over the last 60 days. It draws this information from a database of over 300 million searches and is very accurate. Frankly, Wordtracker is considered the bible of Internet marketing.

Going back to our example, you would type in “money” into wordtracker and see what search phrases have been used over the last 60 days and how often they have been used. You then look for phrases with lots of searches. Exam the list to determine if any of the keyword phrases appeal to you. If they do not, move on to another subject matter.

In fact, let’s just go ahead and do it. I’ve opened my wordtracker account and typed in my subject matter – money. As expected, there are tons of searches incorporating the word. Ahhh…and I’ve found a subject matter. There are over 10,000 searches a day for “unclaimed money.” I happen to know that states collect unclaimed money for wages, tax returns and such. Sounds like a perfect online business to me!

Using Wordtracker is the key to starting an online business. By using it, you can make sure your business idea is one that people are searching for on the net. Nothing is worse than building a site in which nobody has any interest. Wordtracker keeps you from doing it.

Weird Internet Business – Make Money

Okay, let us be clear about one thing. We are not talking about porn sites or anything else of that nature. When we talk about a weird Internet business, we are really talking about a very particular niche market.

A niche is simply a segment of a business area or subject that isn’t discussed much, but has a lot of consumer interest. The classic example of a niche market is Star Trek. The show has spawned a legion of fans. Those fans go to conventions, buy every kind of Star Trek product imaginable and generally are very loyal to the brand. Although some people consider Star Trek fans to be a bit weird, they are a representative market.

One approach to making money on the Internet is to focus on a very particular niche. Adult web sites are the biggest revenue producers on the web. Regardless of your view of those sites, they offer an important lesson. Every single adult site is a niche site. Revenue studies show the adult sites that are very niche defined absolutely rake in the cash. This is a lesson you should take to heart.

Focusing on a niche market has some serious advantages. The level of competition in the niche is almost always going to be lower than in a more general market. Since there are fewer competitors, you will be able to become a leading figure in the niche should you so desire. This leads to publicity and so on. This is good. Very good!
Going with a niche market is a great idea, but finding a weird niche is even better. Weird niches tend to have a smaller population of interested people [i.e. potential customers], but they are also ready to buy if you can provide them with something they have been looking for but can’t find. Just as important, they will come back to buy more and tell there friends. This is also very good.

A classic example of a weird Internet business are gourds. It took me some time to figure it out, but gourds are melon-like bulbs. Apparently, people like to dry them out and then paint on them. A lot of people like to do this – maybe 50,000 searches a month are undertaken for gourd keywords. A few years back, there was almost no competition for rankings. You can guess what happened. Gourd sites started popping up everywhere. I apologize for saying this if you are a gourd fan, but painting gourds is just weird. This makes it a perfect weird Internet business!

So, where do you find weird internet business ideas? You have to hunt. Ah, you knew it wouldn’t be that easy, eh? A good place to start looking is your own life. What odd little things do you like that you don’t tell anyone about. Do some keyword research to see if there are others out there sharing your quirk. If so, you have the perfect weird Internet business because you know something about it and have some passion for the quirk.

You probably started off reading this article wondering why anyone would want to pursue a weird Internet business to make money. Two reasons come to mind, they are interested in it and they can make money. I’m off to paint a gourd.

Make Money At Home – Internet

First of all, I am not going to talk about stuffing envelopes or other bizarre pitches. You should use your common sense in evaluating business “opportunities.” My experience is that most of those pitches benefit only one person, the individual selling them. If you fall for that stuff, you are going to crash and burn.
Fortunately, there is a way to make money at home on the Internet that works every time and Google is going to help you. Allow me to introduce you to Google Adsense. Adsense is a program that Google uses to extend its reach across the world wide web. The program works by letting individual sites list ads that advertisers are placing on Google.
We take a very limited number of clients, but receive a lot of traffic. Instead of wasting it, we use Adsense to turn it into revenues. If you look at this page, you will see links in the text of this article and in the right column running along it. These are ads from Adsense. If someone clicks on one, we earn revenues. Google collects the revenues and sends them to use each month. You can do the exact same thing.