Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blogging for Google Indexing

When most people think of blogging, they think about getting their message out to readers. There is, however, another audience that can be used. Yep, blogging for Google.

Blogging for Google Indexing

If you want to make money on the web, you have to focus on getting rankings in Google. To get rankings, of course, you first have to get your site included in the Google index. The index is simply the database Google maintains that has all the sites it has found on the web. When someone does a search on Google, it accesses the database and creates search results. If you are listed at the top of those results, people see your listing and click through to the corresponding page.

Google started out as the friendly, little guy battling big, bad Microsoft. It was extremely user friendly for most webmasters and getting rankings was not particularly difficult. As sad as it is to say, Google has evolved into a large corporate monster. When it comes to the web, Google is now far worse than Microsoft and a virtual bully on the web. It does what it wants, when it wants, how it wants and it doesn’t really care what anyone says. Ah, innocence lost.

One of the current problems with Google is getting into its index. Google has a bad habit of refusing to index all the pages on your site. You may have 500 pages, but Google will only pick up 97. Just as aggravating, it will often fail to index important pages on your site that you want to be ranked. So, how do you deal with this problem? One way is blogging for the purpose of being included in the Google index.

Google likes to stick its virtual hands in everything. While this is annoying, you can actually take advantage of it in some circumstances. In this case, we are talking about using Blogger is owned by Google. Since it is a Google property, the robots the engine uses to fill its index run through all blogger posting once every few days. Ah, I love the smell of opportunity in the morning.

To get your pages indexed by Google, you should really consider starting a blog on Since Google “reads” it every few days, you can create blog entries that get the pages of your site indexed. To do so, you simply create a narrative entry for one of your pages. Include only half the content on that page and then a link that says “Read more…” that goes to the page on your site. The Google robots will usually follow the link to your site and add the page to the Google index.

When taking this approach, it is important to understand that the page mentioned in your blog will not immediately appear in the Google database. It can take a few weeks, but it should eventually appear. If you are lucky, Google will also index the rest of your site.

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