Tuesday, June 30, 2009

twitter to help build your social network

Twitter is quickly becoming a staple for internet marketing and news agencies around the world, with the ability for people to share stories at lightening speed, often faster than most government agencies know about them.

The first step in building your social network empire is of-course to add as many friends as possible. Obviously if your social network is a niched product it is wise to use the “find people” function and to target individuals of whom you think would best suit your social network. For example my social network is called The Cleavage Club and its aim to is to help women express themselves in a non traditional manner. From this I would type into search “lingerie” or even dare I say it “sex toys” this way I am able to attract the type of girl whom is already interested in the field that I am marketing.

Do remember that there are limits on the number of people you are able to add, so once you reach your limit it is advised to go through the people you are following and delete those whom are not following you back. This frees up room to add new followers.

The second step to find relevant followers is to find a person whom is in your niche and has already amassed a number of followers in that field, then simply go to their friend list and add them all. Yes all of this is time consuming, but if you have a cool/ weird enough pitch people will start tweeting about you, exposing you to a larger number of people and the domino effect starts.

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