Sunday, March 8, 2009

Microsoft Leaked Memo Suggests Live Search Rebranding as

UPDATE: Is this a re-brand of Live Search to Kumo or is Kumo just being used as a staging site? It seems that if Microsoft just wanted to test a new interface, it could do that without using the Kumo brand. Still, we’ve put in a request for an official response from Microsoft and will let you know what we hear back.

UPDATE 2: We’ve received an official response from Microsoft:

Microsoft is using the URL for internal testing purposes only. Given the depth and breadth of our current online service offering, we recognize a need to sharply define and align our online brands. However, we have nothing new to announce at this time

Does that clarify things? On the face of it, Kumo won’t be the new brand, but the “sharply define” somewhat conflicts with the “align.” I still find it strange that MSFT would use the “” domain when it could just as easily redirect the Live Search site for internal users.

We’ve heard from a source close to Microsoft who suggests previous rumors of the company’s plans to re-brand Live Search to are going ahead. Here’s a leaked screen shot of how Kumo will look:

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